Tuesday, May 31, 2011

All In How You Present It

My daughter has asthma, so any little sniffle or sign of congestion is a cause for concern. So when she started using a truckload of tissues today, I knew we might be heading for trouble. The question became what to do about it.

It occurred to me that I had the solution--my trusty neti pot. But how do you get a 4 year-old to use one? It is a strange experience to use a neti pot, even for an adult. How could I pitch this so that she wouldn't completely freak out?

Turn it into a game! At dinner, I suggested that I had a really fun game we could play to get rid of her stuffy nose. I just knew that she would love to play The Nose Game! Everyone at the table joined me in explaining how much fun the game was. She was so excited when we got home!

She insisted that I go first so I could show her how to play. I used the neti pot and told her how fun it was. (If you have ever used one, you know that it is decidedly not fun. Strange, yes, but fun? Not so much.) Then it was her turn. Her dad picked her up and held her sideways over the sink while I poured the water through her nose. She was a trooper! She let me do both sides of her nose. When she was finished, she informed us that it tickled and felt weird. She did love the fact that she was no longer congested! She also was very keen on me using the neti pot on her dad. He was a little less pleased, but like the great dad he is, he did it.

Hopefully, we can continue to play the nose game every time she has a sniffle!

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